Tuesday 3 May 2011

My Easter Delight vs My Pointer's Delight

I don't know if it is the Gold shiny wrapper or the little bell round its neck that jingles or just the though of Lindt chocolate that still makes me get all excited when I see a 'Lindt Easter Chocolate Bunny'. I had forgotten that they had existed until I had received one inside a small parcel from my Nan and Grandad. I may be many years older now but everyone that knows me knows I have a sweet tooth and gifts like this are much appreciated by me.
My Gold Bunny stood with pride on my bedside cabinet, little did it know it was sitting there waiting for its fate - for me to eat it. I did have some remorse at the same time so a couple of days passed, I couldn't bring myself  to tear the foil off and bite the ears and destruct this lovely shiny ornament so it would stand no longer. I had carefully chosen to place this on my bedside cabinet out of my naughty Pointers way. My GSP (German Short-Haired Pointer) is sometimes a minx she will try to eat anything and is always hungry. This seemed like the best and safest place.
A few days later and after wondering why my Pointers bed was empty and everything was too quiet I had a look around, approaching the bedroom door I noticed it was slightly open. I peered in and spotted her, she was in there eating something! I raced to the other side of the room and found her slurping and licking her mouth and looking up a me wide-eyed, there in front of her on the floor was my butchered Lindt bunny with the little jingling bell laying on its own metres away. I picked her up in my arms shouting 'No' 'Bad Girl'  I could not believe she had found it and had been tucking into the bunny, she was swiftly deposited straight in her bed where she was still licking her mouth and devouring the creamy Lindt flavour for many minutes after. But the main concern was her health she had eaten half of it and chocolate is very dangerous to dogs so we had to monitor her closely for the rest of the day.
We decided not to eat the rest of the chocolate as she had nibbled bits out of most of it and it wasn't quite the same anymore.
I sighed and picked up the bell which was the only piece of evidence left and placed it on the side, that was all that was remaining of the once proud bunny that had existed an hour earlier.
Looks like I will have to wait for next Easter and hope someone gets me one ; )

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