Monday, 10 March 2014

First Aid and Emergency Care for Dogs

There may become a time in your life when you might need to carry out dog first aid or life saving procedures on your dog, a strangers dog, a family or friends dog or even a stray dog, in order to help the dog or even save their life.
So be sure that you are prepared for any situation that may arise with your dog by reading this article:

First Aid and Emergency Care for Dogs

Dog Road Accident: -
If a dog is involved in a road accident, approach slowly and speak with gentle tones to the dog.
You may need to attach a lead or even muzzle the dog, as in circumstances like this the dog might be confused and could be in a lot of pain so may even mistakenly bite.
Even if the dog does appear to be ok, still take the dog for a check up at the vet as internal injuries could have occurred.
If the dog can not move, you will need to carry the dog, smaller dogs can be lifted up easily and carried with towels and blankets but larger dogs may need an improvised stretcher which can consist of towels and blankets but you will need another person to help carry the dog on it.
To avoid shock in dogs be sure to keep the dog warm with blankets until he safely reaches the vets.

Dog Bleeding: -
If a dog is bleeding be sure to stem the bleeding with a bandage or if you don't have one, use an item of clothing or something similar.
If blood seeps through the bandage continue wrapping more bandage around the site until this stops.
For areas that can't be bandaged apply pressure to the wound with a cloth or pad.
If it is a severe cut or injury be sure to take the dog to the vet as the dog may be losing a lot of blood and also need stitches.

Dog Burns: -
If a dog has been burnt run cold water over the injury for around 5 minutes and keep the dog warm.
If the burn is severe and not just superficial the dog needs to be taken to the vet as the dog may go into shock and the wound could become infected.

Dog Poisoning: -
If a dog has been poisoned try to find out what the culprit may be and look to see if there is any evidence nearby.
Take the dog to the vet immediately, do not make a dog sick as doing so could cause more harm, as some toxins are more dangerous coming back up than they were going down the esophagus.

Object stuck in Throat of Dog: -
If a dog appears to have something stuck in their throat, attempt to push on their neck to get the object up, if that doesn't work lay them down on their side and push on their tummy (just behind the last rib) to bring the object back up.

Dog Heatstroke: -
If a dog has heatstroke time is crucial to save the dog, move the dog to somewhere cool and breezy if possible.
You can wet the dogs coat with tepid water to cool the dog down (never ice cold water it actually slows heat loss) and offer the dog small amounts of water to drink.
Keep the dog as cool as possible until it reaches the vet.

Dog Stings: -
If a dog has been stung by an insect be sure to pull out the sting and then bathe the area in water or bicarbonate of soda.
However if the sting is on the face or throat you should take the dog to the vet as the body can swell and this can make it hard for the dog to breathe.

Step by Step Resuscitation for Dogs

* Lay the dog on their side.
* Check for breathing. (place fur in front of nostrils to see if it moves)
* Open mouth and pull tongue forward.
* Try to remove any obstructions. (be sure not to get bitten)
* Hold the dogs head with the nose pointing straight ahead.
* Hold the mouth closed and blow into the dogs nose. (in a minute around 20 times)
* Check for heartbeat, you can check for a pulse by feeling the dogs back leg, in the groin area, where the the leg joins the body. (a normal pulse is between 70 and 120 beats per minute)
* If there is no heartbeat, push on the chest every 1 second. (just behind the front legs)
* Give 2 breaths into the nose for every 15 compression's on the chest.

Keep this information handy or try to learn the basics as you never know when you may need to use it on helping a dog.